Some places to start learning AI & ML

Here’s a (irregularly updated) collection of links to my favourite MOOCs and other ressources on learning or deepen Artificial Intelligence and in particular Machine Learning / Deep Learning skills:

An alternative collection of courses (partially overlapping, though) is curated by the KDnuggest team.

If you are completely new to the topic of deep learning or even consider yourself a layperson in computer science, but want to get an introduction to some current frontiers of the state of the art, you can have a look at the excellent popular scientific compilation of Spektrum der Wissenschaft kompakt 06.18: Künstliche Intelligenz - wie Maschinen lernen lernen.

These reading resources might also be of interest (use cases, deep dives into specific methods):

Generally: If you want to make AI/ML (or more broadly, data science) a career, check out the following guides:

Additionally, try attending events of the Reinforcement Learning Zurich Meetup and the Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services, think about joining SGAICO, and subscribe to the Data Machina newsletter.

Written on June 22, 2016 (last modified: January 30, 2023)